our relationship to our soul


Quantum Energy Theory sheds tremendous light on the mystery of human evolution in relationship to our life experiences, our behaviors and our expectations. Many of you have probably heard that subatomic particles, called quarks, conform to the expectations of the observer. If the behavior of the smallest particles known to man conform to an observer's expectations, then perhaps the entire physical world around us does so as well. This supports the hypothesis that the physical world around us is nothing more than an exquisite metaphor for our inner beliefs, expectations and perceptions of self. Then what we call reality in life, may actually be a relative reality created by a higher organizing principle in response to our current beliefs, expectations and perceptions of self. So, what is that higher organizing principle that creates our experiences every moment of our lives, in response to how we perceive ourselves in relationship to everything around us?

Astrophysicists are beginning to shed light on that question. In fact, they have recently begun to acknowledge the existence of an invisible organizing force in the universe that brings matter together in unique ways. They call this force dark matter, which may sound ominous and unsettling to some of us, but it's called that simply because it’s invisible. This invisible force appears to abhor randomness and prefers cohesion, thus organizing the entire universe into the stunning galaxies and beautiful formations that we often see in magazines and online. Dark matter is like an invisible sticky glue that holds everything in place and explains why billions of stars, planets, comets, asteroids, gases, space dust and galaxies are attracted to one another. There is another more contemporary term for this cohesion and interconnectivity between subatomic particles that defy the natural constraints of time & space, and that term is Quantum Entanglement. Physicists have concluded that this invisible organizing energy is everywhere. It even travels through our own bodies. The only reason we cannot see it, is simply because it vibrates at frequencies that are much higher than our visual range.

Our own hearts may provide the key to explain what this energy really is. There seems to be a universal force in all of humanity, and even the animal kingdom, that brings us together to help, rescue, and support total strangers or helpless animals during natural or manmade disasters? Something much greater than us seems to kick in during these moments. Could this universal life force, this cohesive organizing principle that exhibits quantum entanglement properties, what astrophysicists like to call dark matter, be the very force that moves us towards selfless action and creates the willingness to put our own lives at risk to rescue another human being or a helpless animal? Physicists are beginning to acknowlege that these subatomic particles are not even solid, at least until they come into contact with a stationary object. Instead, they are more gaseous or plasma like in nature, similar to the plasma like substance that rises from a living being or animal's body shortly after they have died. Energy experts who work with Kirlian photography, have been able to capture this plasma like substance on film, and they now believe it is the soul of the individual leaving its physical form or vehicle.  Many believe it's this same plasma like substance, our souls, that enter our body shortly before birth and infuse it's new host with the energetic fingerprints of previous lifetimes. Our souls are not only intermediaries between lifetimes, but also during one's lifetime. 

Immediately after birth, our personal intermediary, begins using our past life perceptions of self and the emotional patterns we bring to this world from previous lifetimes to create (or attract) our childhood experiences. As we begin to evolve beyond who we were at birth, and start letting go of our innate perceptions of self, expectations, and emotional patterns, our soul begins basing its creation of events, encounters and experiences on a mix of our newly developed expectations, beliefs and perceptions of self, with the past life perceptions, expectations and unresolved emotions we have yet to let go of. Furthermore, our beliefs, philosophies and perceptions of self are not the product of our life experiences, but rather our life experiences are the product of our perceptions of self in relationship to everything around us. Not only are our early life experiences the product of our innate perceptions of self, but our parents, relatives, friends and early life peers are also the biproduct of our innate perceptions of self. It appears the link between our soul's creation and the universal organizing principle of all life is Divine Love? And, if our own souls are a direct conduit and intermediary between us and this higher organizing principle, then perhaps we truly are the masters of our own destiny and our souls are our creator within. 

Much like quarks, which are subatomic particles that conform to the expectations of an observer, our life experiences conform to our expectations and perceptions of self. Our souls create everything we experience in the outer world as a perfect metaphor for how we perceive ourselves. Fortunately for us, our souls are invested in our evolution, and support our perceptions of self and expectations unconditionally, until we convince our souls that we are ready to change our experience of life. We do that, by changing expectations and perceptions of self. If our souls are a direct conduit or intermediary between us and the universal organizing principle we call Divine Love, then our soul is truly the creator within, our little piece of God we carry around with us everywhere we go in life, and we are the masters of that that destiny. Contrary to what we have been told our entire lives by most world religions, God is not separate from us. Could this be the illusion that has kept us from realizing the full expression of our totality? This constant mirroring between self-perception and the experiences we attract in life, affirms that our souls are the creator within who manifests the experiences we go through, but we are ultimately the masters of our own destiny who keep telling our souls what to create for us in each and every moment by how we see ourselves and the expectations we choose to hold onto. In simpler terms, we have the power to change our life experiences by simply changing our perception of self in relationship to everything we encounter in the world around us. The good news is that our souls are constantly encouraging us to evolve beyond our negative and limited perceptions of self through the development of greater self love and love of others.

"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World" - Mahatma Gandhi"


Ultimately, soul evolution work has a depth beyond anything one could imagine. The best use of these evolutionary principles and techniques is to help others understand their life purpose, to track the journey of their souls from rebirth through transition into their next life, and more importantly to help free them from predisposing effects of the past life emotional patterns, habits and expectations that continue to dictate their current life circumstances and block their spiritual evolution. Evolutionary work has nothing to do with predicting events, but rather it is about projecting the cycles of energy and experience our souls have created for us to help us evolve into more loving and sentient beings.

Tracking the journey of our soul from lifetime to lifetime, revealing the unresolved emotional patterns we brought to this world to heal and release, and knowing  exactly when our soul plans to reintroduce challenges to help us heal our past life trauma's and emotional wounds should be the primary focus of alternative forms of psychotherapeutic counseling work. Soul level forms of psychotherapy that take into consideration the broader perspective of human evolution over multiple lifetimes, are far more effective than traditional psychotherapeutic practices at revealing the depth and breadth of our evolving being. Contrary to traditional theories in developmental psychology, the bulk of our personality is already in place at the moment of our birth, prior to our psycho/social development with parents and peers from birth forward. Only when we begin to release the core perceptions of self, the unresolved emotional traumas, and the expectations we brought to this world from prior lifetimes, will we begin to be truly free to express our totality. Only then can we begin to understand the soul level reason for every physical and emotional experience we go through in life, and the true purpose for talents, skills and abilities we have developed over multiple lifetimes to help us understand and pursue our spiritual purpose. We did not come back into this world to simply replay past life emotional patterns, wounds and emotional experiences ad infinitum, but rather we came into this world to become fully realized self-governing individuals who are free from the limiting cycles of self perception, energy and experience that have blocked our evolution for millennia.     
The higher organizing principle's design was that every sentient being be born with total free will. Hence, the unresolved emotions and cycles of experience we bring to this world are not preordained, but rather they are pre-chosen by us and our soul to assist us in our evolution. We have the free will to respond to these experiences in whatever way we choose. Or, we can simply allow the mundane circumstances of our lives to distract us from the cycles of energy our souls have created for us to support our evolution. In other words, we have the free will to respond to and take advantage of these evolutionary cycles of support, or we can ignore them at our own peril.

Our souls communicate with us through symbol, metaphor, synchronicity, spirit inspiration, and from a myriad of unexpected encounters with other sentient beings when we least expect it. I often call these beings who appear at the exact moment we need a little guidance, or a shove in the right direction, Soul Runners. This is why meditation and other forms of quieting, or enhanced listening, are so important to develop, so we can hear and recognize the subtle modes of communication that are coming from our souls.
Remember, whenever you allow your true nature to shine through, you are giving others you connect with, permission to do the same. Likewise, when you free yourself from the contracted state of awareness that your own negativity, fears, paranoia, self-judgement and diminished sense of self create, your expanded presence of spirit gives others who encounter you the courage they need to release their attachments to the same contracted state.

You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. Our deepest fear isn't that we are inadequate. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. - Marianne Williamson


Evolutionary soul work reveals the unresolved emotional habits and patterns we bring to this world from prior lifetimes, as well as the limited perceptions of self, expectations, personality and attitudes (our prenatal psychology), that continue to shape our current life experiences. Soul Purpose sessions also reveal the innate strengths, talents, skills, abilities, emotional resources and cycles of experience we brought to this world to help us heal and release those same habits, patterns, expectations and perceptions of self that block the full and joyful expression of our true life's purpose (dharma).